How do I add CDATA to the ViolationInfo in this below XML
<Violations ViolationNo="1" ViolationCD="10G" ConditionCode="" SectionCd="NYCHC 81.35" severity="0" ViolationInfo="Cold holding equipment not properly maintained in that two door reach-in refrigerator in kitchen observed holding potentially hazardous milk and operating at an internal temperature of 48°F.. All potentially hazardous foods were discarded as per violation 2G" Point="5" Occurence="0" ViolationDate="2/17/2010 7:58:00 AM"></Violations>
When I tried to put as shown below I am getting an error saying cannot have < in the value
<![CDATA[Facility conditions conducive to the existence of pest life in that several holes, approximately 2-3 inches in diameter noted in ceiling throughout rear food storage area and throughout basement.]]>