




I've looked at some examples on the web but I am still struggling with this. I would like to get the value for "descShort" tag within the "indexDesc" tag and then after that display the value from the "last" tag? I've seen people using the arrow > but I'm still lost.

            <desc>Dow Jones Industrials</desc>
            <descAbbrev>DOW JONES</descAbbrev>
            <descShort>DOW JONES</descShort>
            <lastChanged>16-Apr-2010 16:03:00</lastChanged>
            <desc>ASX All Ordinaries</desc>
            <descAbbrev>All Ordinaries</descAbbrev>
            <descShort>ALL ORDS</descShort>
            <lastChanged>19-Apr-2010 17:02:54</lastChanged>
+1  A: 

The ">" is a selector; you can see all f the available ones here: selectors. "div > span" will find all spans that have div's as parents. This is different to "div span", which will find all spans which are descendents of divs.

var values = [];

$(yourXml).find('index').each(function () {
  var self = $(this);

    descShort: self.find('descShort:first').val(),
    capitalLast: self.children('capital').children('last').val(),
    grossLast: self.children('gross').children('last').val()

values is now an array of objects, each with descShort, captialLast and grossLast properties.

Unfortunately I can't test my code.

thanks for your answer. the values are coming up empty for some reason. it keeps saying 'undefined' when i trt print the value. iealert(self.find('descShort:first').val());
Try .text() or .html() instead. Not sure why I used .val() in the first place tbh :)
@Matt: You can edit your answer and fix this ;)
Felix Kling