Summary: how do i get the amplitude of each sample using the default aurioTouch code.
in Depth: The aurioTouch seems to be setup well for what i need, i need to be sampling at 44.1Khz and then taking the amplitude values from these and applying a small filter i have written to detect an event. I know this should go in the PerformThru callback but im not sure what is going on and what values are actually what.
i have seen this thread: but i am little confused as to what i need to do to get at the amplitude given the defualt settings of aurioTouch.
ps. I need it to be remoteIO for the lowest latency
the plea:I have a really short deadline to do this and i understand the DSP side of it im just completely new to iphone Audio and audio programming in general.
if you could just post a quick snippet or something im pretty stumped with this. I wish apple provided more documentation.