



would anybody care to comment on this piece of code?

It allows you to do "prev" or "next" once in the detail view of a uiviewcontroller.

So, if you have 4 uiviewcontrollers, you can navigate from #3 to #2 with previous or #3 to #4 with next. It works, but, my question is, is this the best way to implement this? or, is there a better way.


You might take a moment to read the documentation before making your own navigation code. The -setViewControllers:animated: method addresses rearranging or moving within the navigation stack.

Alex Reynolds
i was just trying to implement the same functionality found in "Gas Cubby" app. The also have the prev and next. My approach does the same thing but I was wondering if there was a better way to acheive this.
Joo Park