



I'm trying to match certain elements using XSLT. My input document is very large and the source XML fails to load after processing the following code (consider especially the first line).

    <xsl:template match="XMI/XMI.content/Model_Management.Model/Foundation.Core.Namespace.ownedElement/Model_Management.Package/Foundation.Core.Namespace.ownedElement">
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="">

            <xsl:for-each select="Foundation.Core.Class">       
                <xsl:for-each select="">
                    <owl:Class rdf:ID="" />


Apparently the XSLT fails to load after "Model_Management.Model". The PHP code is as follows:

    if ($xml->loadXML($source_xml) == false) {
    die('Failed to load source XML: ' . $http_file);

It then fails to perform loadXML and immediately dies. I think there are two options now.

1) I should set a maximum executing time. Frankly, I don't know how that I do this for the built-in PHP 5 XSLT processor. 2) Think about another way to match.

What would be the best way to deal with this?

The input document can be found at

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.


If you can get a match on XMI.content, then it is not the "." in Model_Management.Model that is throwing you off.

I seems to me that since you are looking for elements that are 6 layers down, there may be an easier solution. Have you tried this:

<xsl:template match="Foundation.Core.Namespace.ownedElement">
    <!-- other code -->

The match in the template tag does not have to be that specific usually. The select in your <xsl:apply-templates> where you call the template should be as specific as possible.

Seattle Leonard
Ok, now it does work somehow. However, the xsl returns a lot of strings from other elements I didn't ask for. Should I match all of these elements and output nothing? As in:<xsl:template match="XMI.header"><!-- no code here --></xsl:template><xsl:template match="Model_Management.Subsystem"><!-- no code here --></xsl:template>and so on ..
Kris Van den Bergh