I've been following Apple's TableSearch code example, but it's not working for me and I think I'm doing everything the same way they did it. The method below should be fired whenever the user types anything into the search box, but it never gets fired for me, just on the sample app.
My header file has this implementation:
@interface ContactsTableVC : UITableViewController <UISearchDisplayDelegate, UISearchBarDelegate>{
I'm not sure what I'm missing or where else to look.
My NSLog never gets called.
Thanks for the help!
- (BOOL)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString:(NSString *)searchString searchScope:(NSInteger)searchOption
NSLog(@"The shouldreloadtableforsearchstring method has been called!");
[self filterContentForSearchText:searchString];
// Return YES to cause the search result table view to be reloaded.
return YES;