Is it a better practice to retrieve only data from a (java) backend in xml or json format and use javascript to create the display elements (i.e. div, span, etc.) and insert the data into to them or is it better to retrieve and insert a complete "view" (data and html created by the backend)?
For example, let's say we have the following list and when a list item is hovered over the subsequent "div" displays dynamic data (see below). Is it better to just get the data, and then use js to create the "ul" and "li" elements and then insert the data into them or is it better to get the data and html combined view and insert that into the div?
<div id="dynamic_content">
<!-- retrieve data/content below -->
<li>Bob's info</li>
<li>Hobbies: .....</li>
<li>Education: ....</li>