



Based on this SO question asked a few hours ago, I have decided to implement a swizzled method that will allow me to take a formatted NSString as the format arg into stringWithFormat, and have it not break when omitting one of the numbered arg references (%1$@, %2$@)

I have it working, but this is the first copy, and seeing as this method is going to be potentially called hundreds of thousands of times per app run, I need to bounce this off of some experts to see if this method has any red flags, major performance hits, or optimizations

#define NUMARGS(...)  (sizeof((int[]){__VA_ARGS__})/sizeof(int))
@implementation NSString (UAFormatOmissions)
+ (id)uaStringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... {  
    if (format != nil) {
        va_list args;
        va_start(args, format);

        // $@ is an ordered variable (%1$@, %2$@...)
        if ([format rangeOfString:@"$@"].location == NSNotFound) {
            //call apples method
            NSString *s = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:args] autorelease];
            return s;

        NSMutableArray *newArgs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:NUMARGS(args)];
        id arg = nil;
        int i = 1;
        while (arg = va_arg(args, id)) {
            NSString *f = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%%%d\$\@", i];
            if ([format rangeOfString:f].location == NSNotFound) continue;
            else [newArgs addObject:arg];

        char *newArgList = (char *)malloc(sizeof(id) * [newArgs count]);
        [newArgs getObjects:(id *)newArgList];
        NSString* result = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:newArgList] autorelease];
        return result;
    return nil;

The basic algorithm is:

  1. search the format string for the %1$@, %2$@ variables by searching for %@
  2. if not found, call the normal stringWithFormat and return
  3. else, loop over the args
  4. if the format has a position variable (%i$@) for position i, add the arg to the new arg array
  5. else, don't add the arg
  6. take the new arg array, convert it back into a va_list, and call initWithFormat:arguments: to get the correct string.

The idea is that I would run all [NSString stringWithFormat:] calls through this method instead.

This might seem unnecessary to many, but click on to the referenced SO question (first line) to see examples of why I need to do this.

Ideas? Thoughts? Better implementations? Better Solutions?

I am trying to avoid editing tons of code. My large project is right near completion and doing massive code changes at this level would not be good. This is why I thought a stringWithFormat swizzle would be better.
Thanks. This is essentially what I did for my solution, using the above method. I now do not do a swizzle but instead, explicitly call this method for the 50+ multi-positional-variable methods in my app. This way, all the normal stringWithFormat calls are unaffected while I get to save cash from the translators and save QA time by not having to change all the format orders, strings or anything other than the 50+ method calls.
@coneybeare: I think you made the right choice here. Swizzling methods is unique and interesting but you really have to be careful about using this technique, especially in production. It may have seemed like a lot of effort but now the application design does not require runtime hacks to work.
+1  A: 

Whoa there!

Instead of screwing with a core method that you very probably will introduce subtle bugs into, instead just turn on "Static Analyzer" in your project options, and it will run every build - if you get the arguments wrong it will issue a compiler warning for you.

I appreciate your desire to make the application more robust but I think it very likely that re-writing this method will more likely break your application than save it.

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
The format strings are coming from NSLocalizedString, thus they are not found at compile time.ok, then assuming I do not swizzle it and call this method only when necessary, are there any major issues with it?