x number
xx two digit number
xxx abbreviated name
xxxx full name
A millisecond of day
c day of week (c,cc,ccc,cccc)
d day of month
e day of week (e,EEE,EEEE)
F week of month
g julian day (since 1/1/4713 BC)
G era designator (G=GGG,GGGG)
h hour (1-12, zero padded)
H hour (0-23, zero padded)
L month of year (L,LL,LLL,LLLL)
m minute of hour (0-59, zero padded)
M month of year (M,MM,MMM,MMMM)
Q quarter of year (Q,QQ,QQQ,QQQQ)
s seconds of minute (0-59, zero padded)
S fraction of second
u zero padded year
v general timezone (v=vvv,vvvv)
w week of year (0-53, zero padded)
y year (y,yy,yyyy)
z specific timezone (z=zzz,zzzz)
Z timezone offset +0000
sql y-M-d H:m:s
rss [E, ]d MMM y[y] H:m:s Z|z[zzz]
This is my comment for date parsing. I use the following, where toDateUsingFormat uses an NSDateFormatter with the passed in string. I do not use a locale, because rss dates are not localized.
if ( 0 == [string rangeOfString:@","].length ) {
result = [string toDateUsingFormat:@"d MMM y H:m:s z"];
} else {
result = [string toDateUsingFormat:@"E, d MMM y H:m:s z"];
I use getObjectValue: instead of dateFromString.
NSDate *result = nil;
NSError *error = nil;
[dataFormatter getObjectValue:&result forString:dateString errorDescription:&error];