




I have the following XML:


As you can see I have a number in the "OverRepresentedVariant"-tag. This number can change from time to time. What i Need is to grab the "Variant"-tag with the right number. In the above case I need to get the value from the "Variant5"-tag (93.9). Tomorrow the "OverRepresentedVariant"-value might have changed to 3, this would mean that I should now grab the "Variant3"-value instead.

So this is what I got. I have a variable called $btOver which contains the above XML. I also have a variable called $btId which contains the "OverRepresentedVariant"-value like this:

<xsl:variable name="btId" select="$btOver/OverRepresentedVariant" />

So now I need some help finding the Variant-tags with the right ID. The tags that I need will always be named "Variant" followed by an id. So how can I get the right tag?

Thanks a lot in advance folks.

/Kim Andersen

+2  A: 
StatsContainer/*[name() = concat('Variant', ../OverRepresentedVariant)]

PS: You really should think about changing the XML. Having data as part as the element name is a bad idea. This is how it is supposed to look like:

  <Variant id="1">0</Variant>
  <!-- ... -->
  <Variant id="12">0</Variant>
  <GlobalVariant id="1">4.6</GlobalVariant>
  <!-- ... -->
  <GlobalVariant id="12">0</GlobalVariant>

And the XPath would then be

StatsContainer/Variant[@id = ../OverRepresentedVariant]
Thanks Tomalak. I'll see if my colleague who made the XML can change it.
Kim Andersen