I had the same kind of problem, here's the workaround i used :
- in my UITableViewCell, i added Actions (IBActions as i generate my cells from a NIB) for cell's specific buttons.
- i then defined a CellActionDelegate protocol that mimics my actions selectors, to which i had my button (sender) and my cell (self)
- then the detailViewController of my splitViewController implements this protocol, converting from the cell's to its coordinates...
here a example of code
In MyCustomTableViewCell.m :
//passes the actions to its delegate
UIButton *button = (UIButton *)sender;
[cellActionDelegate displaySomeCellRelativePopoverWithInformation:self.info
and the, in MyDetailViewController.m :
-(void)displaySomeCellRelativePopoverWithInformation:(MyCellInformationClass *)info
fromButton:(UIButton *)button
fromCell:(UIView *)cell{
UIPopoverController * popoverController = nil;
//create your own UIPopoverController the way you want
//Convert your button/view frame
CGRect buttonFrameInDetailView = [self.view convertRect:button.frame fromView:cell];
//present the popoverController
[popoverController presentPopoverFromRect:buttonFrameInDetailView
inView:self.view permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionRight animated:YES];]
//release objects created...
PS : Of course, the 'action' doesn't have to be a IBAction, and the frame from where the popover originates doesn't have to be a UIButton - a single UIView would be good :)