Hi, I have an xml file like so:
<host name='ip-10-196-55-2.ec2.internal'>
<hostvalue name='arch_string'>lx24-x86</hostvalue>
<hostvalue name='num_proc'>1</hostvalue>
<hostvalue name='load_avg'>0.01</hostvalue>
I can get get out the Node.data from a Node.TEXT_NODE, but I also need the Attribute name, like I want to know load_avg = 0.01, without writing load_avg, num_proc, etc, one by one. I want them all.
My code looks like this, but I can't figure out what part of the Node has the attribute name for me.
for stat in h.getElementsByTagName("hostvalue"):
for node3 in stat.childNodes:
attr = "foo"
val = "poo"
if node3.nodeType == Node.ATTRINUTE_NODE:
attr = node3.tagName
if node3.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
#attr = node3.tagName
val = node3.data
From the above code, I'm able to get val, but not attr (compile error: