jQuery will not automatically parse the XML for you on load. But, you can use jQuery to parse the XML. Check out this page for examples: http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2007/10/10/jquery-and-xml.html. Basically, you load the XML and perform your selections and modifications like this:
Here's a demo to get you started: if you only have one fragment and one cName in your XML, it's safe to do this:
var cind = $(myXML).find("fragment cName").attr("cind");
It appears that you are using load() to load a fragment of the XML. Instead, try loading the entire XML content to a variable, and parse the cind attribute out of it using the line of code I gave you above.
Try this:
$('.invest-port-thumb a').mouseenter(function() {
$.get(this.href, function(response){
var cind = $(response).find("fragment cName").attr("cind");