I have a question, i carefully went through and thoroughly understood the tutorial at http://developer.apple.com/iPhone/library/documentation/DataManagement/Conceptual/iPhoneCoreData01/Articles/01_StartingOut.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008305-CH105-SW1 for iOS Core Data.
The issue was that when i coded everything and run on iOS 4 with multitasking.. the program crashed when i re-opened it (kill task from fast app switching and relaunch)
Then i went curious and recode it on iPad (since it hasnt support multitasking) and it works fine...
I went to explore abit, and some says that the fast app switching kill app is like the OSX kill app and there is applicationTerminate method in the delegate file which maybe need some changes (based on the comment).
Could someone enlighten me on that issue? Is there anything additional that i need to do in order to have Core Data to support the Multitasking feature..
Thank you!
Ok but the thing i am not getting is that.. once i killed the app.. go Fast App Switch, kill it... and when i re-run the app.. it crashed.. Do i need to add some stuff to the multitasking methods? It crashes even if its a basic app with 1 button... What are the states that i have to save?
The app just freeze on its own
Alright my bad, trying my best, for the one button app... I sticked a button in there, and for each click, it prints an NSLog and a label. When i build and run it, it works fine, clicking it prints them normally. After going to background and close the app.. it sends SIGKILL Then when i relaunch the app, it no longer prints to NSLog and crash there 0x98a450f0 <+0000> mov $0xffffffe1,%eax 0x98a450f5 <+0005> call 0x98a453d8 <_sysenter_trap> 0x98a450fa <+0010> ret 0x98a450fb <+0011> nop
However when i open the Iphone simulator and run the program directly... without building it from xcode.. It works just fine and it was able to print that value. Same is true for the Core Data.. if i just run it from the Simulator. Kill it and re-run, it works fine.. Not sure what's going on