I'm running into a retain count issue that I do not understand. (I've added what I believe to be the retain count of vertex in [] at the end of each line of code).
CBVertex *vertex = nil;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
vertex = [[CBVertex alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(minX, y, 10.0, 10.0)]; // retain count [1]
[vertex setTag:i];
[vertex setAnimationDelegate:self];
[gameboard addSubview:vertex]; // retain count [2]
[tripGraph addVertex:vertex]; // retain count [3]
[vertex release]; vertex=nil; // retain count [2]
CBVertex is a subclass of UIView, gameboard is a UIView and tripGraph is a class that, among other things, has an NSMutableArray (privateVerticies) to which vertex is added to in its addVertex method.
After the above is executed, Instruments shows that there are 10 instances of CBVertex living.
Later in the code execution (I've confirmed that this code executes):
[[tripGraph verticies] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)];
// gameboard should have no references to any of the CBVertex's (correct??)
[tripGraph removeAllVerticies];
// tripGraph privateVerticies is empty and no references to any of
// the CBVertex's (correct?)
Relevant tripGraph methods:
-(NSArray *) verticies {
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:privateVerticies];
-(void) tripGraph removeAllVerticies {
[privateVerticies removeAllObjects];
- (void) addVertex:(CBVertex *)vertex {
[privateVerticies addObject:vertex];
The issue arises when the second set of CBVertex's are created. Instruments shows that the first set of CBVertex's is still live (i.e. the number of instances of CBVertexs is now 20).
I'm (obviously?) missing a release somewhere, but don't understand where . . .
Help/pointers are appreciated!!