



Hi all!

Again a question about changing the interfaceOrientation of a UIView. The probleme that I have is changing the interfaceOrientation and I would like to avoid to do it manually, because I additionally have hidden views (those will appear with certain finder swipes) and I think it's a little bit tricky to transform all of them manually. But if someone has a hint how to do it, I would be thankful.

Now I'm trying to think of a way, how to change the interface orientation with the help of the mentioned method. I would like to know, whether there is a way to initiate a call to the method, so that I can change the return value depending on what currently is displayed in the rootview.

My view should be able to change interface orientation depending on the current content that is displayed. And I tried a lot of ways to accomplish this feature. I tried to transform the layer, but the orientation of the view doesn't change, so the navigation gestures get messed up an the other views don't change their orientation correctly or they even are visible during rotation to the new interface orientation.

So I try to let the implemented sdk methods do that.

I hope someone has an idea to solve my problem.
