First off, this is not my design, working with a WCF service that is a little strange. I have a lot of checkboxes/input's and when they are clicked/filled out I need to add that value to a certain part of the xml string, which is the hidden input's value. Is this close to the right way? The values are intended to be put into the section of the xml string. Again the xml string is the hidden input #AGREEMENTS value
<input type="hidden" id="AGREEMENTS" name="AGREEMENTS" value="<AGREEMENTS><AGREEMENT><CODE>XNNonproStatus</CODE><VERSION>KV000001</VERSION><DATETIME><?php echo $SubmitDATETIME ?></DATETIME><COMMENT>'SECQualified' + ( $('[name=SECQualified]').val() ),'InvestmentAdvisor' + ( $('[name=Advisor]').val() ), 'Subscribing' + ( $('[name=Subscribing]').val() ), 'Billed' + ( $('[name=BName]').val() )</COMMENT></AGREEMENT><AGREEMENTS>" />
Any advice on how to accomplish this is greatly appreciated!