



If I wanted to develop my mobile app's front end using js,css,html in order to target both Android and iPhone, what gotchas do I need to look out for?

I'm not looking for the comparison of native vs web development as much as I'm concerned about performance and development issues.

+1  A: 

I've been doing a fair amount of research into this, below are a few of the main problems i found.

  • Touch events are inconsistent across different devices.
  • There isn't any good way to perform fixed positions. Which would be required for a simple title bar.
  • Currently there is no framework that supports multiple resolution devices, i.e. the UI looks pixilated on the new iPhone 4 retina display.
  • Mobile devices have small amounts of memory and slow CPUs, the use of any mainstream JavaScript framework significantly reduces performance (including jQuery).
  • Make sure you use WebKit animations/transitions rather than performing the animations in JavaScript (this utilizes hardware acceleration).

I cant think of any more right now, but when i do i'll let you know.

Oliver Morgan
Thanks. Those are all important to know.
John Leonard