



I have the following code:

CATextLayer *test = [CATextLayer layer];
test.string = summary;
test.wrapped = YES;
//test.truncationMode = kCATruncationEnd;
//test.alignmentMode = kCAAlignmentJustified;
test.frame = s;
[test drawInContext:context];

I import the framework and link against it, however when it links I get the following error:

ld: warning: in /Users/ryansully/Desktop/AppName/Project/1/AppName/QuartzCore.framework/QuartzCore, missing required architecture i386 in file Undefined symbols:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CATextLayer", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-CATextLayer in StoriesCell.o ld: symbol(s) not found collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is for an iOS project. I get this error in both XCode 3.2.3 and XCode 4 DP2.


Turns out XCode 4 is still buggy and can't add Frameworks appropriately. The issue was solved by opening the project in XCode 3, removing + readding the framework, then compiling.

Ryan Sullivan