



To any openjdk developers out there:

I've been working on openjdk lately, and so far I've just been using vim to edit code (and I'm too ashamed to speak of how I've been debugging).

Starting a build only to have it fail after a minute because of a misspelled variable or something like that is very annoying. Even worse is when it compiles but there's a runtime error that would have been pointed out by a warning.

Anyway, is there any way to work on it using some IDE (preferably eclipse, but anything should do)? I don't even need the native code to be handled properly, or even to be able to build it from the IDE. I just want something that will point out mistakes and do autocompletion as I'm working.



If I remember correctly, the OpenJDK was quite a well-behaved Ant project; it was about a year ago that I last tried, but I remember having no problems simply selecting "New Java Project with Existing Ant Buildfile" in Eclipse, selecting the OpenJDK root directory (containing the build.xml file), and letting it go from there.

Have you tried this yet? What problems did you run into?

Adrian Petrescu