



Hi all

Just wondering if anybody knows of an environment for running, testing, debugging xml and xsl locally.

Kind of like the way XAMPP can be used for web design.

Any help is appreciated


+1  A: 

I use Visual Studio - it has an excellent XSLT debugger.

+2  A: 

There are a number of well-known XSLT IDE's:

  1. The XSelerator (free) -- I have been using this excellent tool for 10 years.

  2. oXygen -- probably the most extensive support for XSLT 2.0 plus Docbook plus good XML authoring tools

  3. Visual Studio --both VS 2010 and VS2010 come with an excellent XML editor and an XSLT Debugger/Transformer

  4. Stylus studio

  5. XML-SPY

All of these tools support XML intellisense and debugging, some support schema-directed editing.

Dimitre Novatchev
thanks. another great answer. you offer a wealth of knowledge in this area Mr Novatchev. Thanks again