



I am trying to create an application were 2 classes share a variable. Just to keep the code looking a little bit cleaner I created a 3rd class. This "third class" sole job is to house this variable.

In class 3 I put a "get" and "set" method.

SharedURL.H (Class 3)

@interface SharedURL : NSObject {
 NSString *theURL;
-(NSString *)getTheURL;
-(void)setTheURL:(NSString *)blah;
@property (readwrite, copy) NSString  *theURL;


#import "SharedURL.h"

@implementation SharedURL

@synthesize theURL;

-(NSString *)getTheURL;
 return theURL;

-(void)setTheURL:(NSString *)blah;


In classes 1 and 2: I Import the class header I set up the instance variable like so


I define the property like so

@property (readwrite, assign) SharedURL *XMLURL;

Then in the implementation I set the set method like this

[XMLURL setTheURL:@"http://localhost:8888/xml/MyXMLFile.xml"];

However whenever I implement the fallowing code the getter method returns nil.

NSLog(@" the url is %@", [XMLURL getTheURL]);

How can I get this to actually save the variable that I imput and then return it. I'm looking at some sample code and i cannot find my error it looks to me like I am doing it perfectly fine I think I am overlooking something stupid.


If I understand this right you are calling class 3 from either class 1 or 2 (lets say 1) and set the URL then your go to class 2 and and only ask for the URL, right?

I think your problem is that you are calling something that is independent for each object. I think you can fix this by instead of saying -(NSString *)getTheURL and -(void)setTheURL you need to change it to +(NSString *)getTheURL and +(void)setTheURL (in both the .h and .m files) making it not variable dependent.

But if I set those to static classes i cannot access the instance variable i use to store the value?
Forgoten Dynasty
Don't make it an ivar declare it before the instance and then make it `static NSString *theURL`.