



I want to switch the Apple ID being used by the Apple App Loader.

I can't find a way to change the Account to be used in the App itself. Google search did not bring anything useful up. When i start the Loader App it gives me an error: "...Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly. (-20101)" I then can only choose "cancel" in the dialogue and this is it.

Context: I need this because the password of the Apple ID i was using previously has been changed and is not available to me anymore. This is because i was using the Admin Level Apple ID of my client in the past. Since my client decided he doesn't want to give away his admin account information any longer i need to make Application Loader use a different login (which i already have and which is working fine in iTunes connect)

Looking forward to get any hints on how this could be resolved. Cheers.

+8  A: 

Did you try using Window -> Run Setup Wizard (shift+cmd+S) from the App Loader bar?

This is it ! Thank you so much.
Would like to vote your answer up, but can't yet ^
Glad I could help :)