I have read and enjoyed the books:
iPhone Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK
Which book would you recommend as the third iOS book?
3Well, there is the sequel to "Beginning iPhone 3 Development", called "More iPhone 3 Development", which I found to be very helpful while learning about more advanced stuff not discussed in the first book, like Core Data.
I agree with Douwe and yourself and from there it is hard to find good books. One i have found incredibly usefull although not strictly iPhone is "Cocoa Design Patterns (Developer's Library)" It is here at amazon.co.uk So while not focused on the iPhone i have found it giving me an invaluable insight into the underlying Cocoa and some of Apples thinking on the subject and design.
I recommend you start coding and getting your hands dirty. I don't think you need to read any more books unless you are interested in a specific topic.