




2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected

2.17 Apps that browse the web must use the iOS WebKit framework and WebKit Javascript

My app has a some UiWebViews downloading PHP pages, with Mootools javascript. Does this breach the above? Seems stupid if it does.


+2  A: 

2.17 means that you must not use any other browser interface to display webpages and that javascript must only be executed by the WekKit Javascript engine. You can use Mootools as long as its WebKit Javascript that executes it and that its rendered in the iOS Webkit browser.

2.7 means you can't load an app that downloads the runtime logic on the fly - thus bypassing future approvals process and allowing developers to release new functionality without being re-approved. How this works for a web based remotely hosted site I'm not sure.

Michael Shimmins
So, 2.7 - they will reject an app that uses 1 or more UiWebView's to display content to the user? As the developer, in theory could change this content without the app review team knowing?