





I am trying to play large (20-60mb) local mp3 files with AVAudioPlayer however it takes a looong time for the audio to actually start. Sometimes as long as 3-5secs. I have also noticed that it seems to lock up the UI as well so i cant even display some kind of activity indicator.

I have tried the prepareToPlay method with no success as well as the idea discussed here:

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/900461/slow-start-for-avaudioplayer-the-first-time-a-sound-is-played which doesnt help as the overhead seems to occur everytime you alloc a new AVAudioPlayer instance and there is no way i have found to change the url of a allocated instance?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to speed up this process or any alternative ways to play local mp3 files that allow for basic playback controls such as pause, seek, stop, etc..?
