



I have two leaks shown by the instruments tool. I have looked around on google but I haven't seen exactly my problem on there.

Problem #1:

self.wallText = [[text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];

I have tried various configurations of the above line but all leak. I need to do both those trimming operations. 'text' is declared with either @"" or stringWithFormat.

My other issue is with the following line:

    NSString * value = [elements objectAtIndex:i+1];
if ([value length] >= 2 && [[value substringToIndex:2] isEqualToString:@"S_"]){
   value = [value substringFromIndex:2]; // LEAK HERE

I need to get all of the string except for the first 2 characters so I don't know how I could release it first or something... if that is indeed what I should be doing.

I could get away wtih leaks before with previous projects but this one is very memory intensive and I need all the memory I can get!

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated

+3  A: 

Did you declare @property (retain) for wallText, did you do [wallText release] in dealloc method?

Double check above things and you will not have leaks any more

For Updated Part:

It is really strange that you have a memory leak there. Because at first, your value points to an autoreleased object then it points to another autoreleased object which I think is fine.

+1 To provide a bit of detail: this works because the `@synthesize`'d setter method with the "retain" semantic releases the current value before setting and retaining the new one. So it's memory-safe to "overwrite" those sorts of properties directly.
Dan Ray
No I wasn't using release in the dealloc method. So is that always the case... Whenever I retain a property on the @property declaration I have to release it in dealloc? Is that the case even for IBoutlet properties?
Mike Simmons
yeah, if you declare a @property(retain) you have to release in dealloc even for IBOutlet. It is not just `@property(retain)` but also if you own some instance variable (by `alloc, retain and copy`) you have to release in dealloc. Also make sure that you didn't overrelease it as well (by always using self.variable for property)
Ok cool good to know thanks for that. I am still getting a leak for my issue # 2. I have updated the code sample.
Mike Simmons
You should create another question that will attract more answers:). People usually not look at the old, updated question

have u use alloc for value. value = [value substringFromIndex:2]; .here now value is referencing to new autorelease string. so u can not release previous object.

I never use alloc to create a new string. It's always using the literal, assigning from another variable, or using one of the string utility methods.
Mike Simmons