



I'm trying to publish my app to the app store.

I followed the Apple instructions to create the Distribution Certificates and Provisioning profiles and added them to my XCode Organizer.

When I select Project > Edit Project Settings and check the 'Code Signing Identity - Any iOS Device, my DistributionCertificate/Profile appears correctly.

HOWEVER when I select Target > Edit Active Target, and check the 'Code Signing Identity - Any iOS Device, my DistributionCertificate/Profile is disabled (the same one mentioned above).

I can see the message: "Profile doesn't match application identifer bundleID

What am I doing wrong? And How can I go about enabling the code signing in my Target Settings?


Did you fill in the Identifier in your Target Info Properties settings to be compatible the app ID in your profile, as configured in Apple's on-line Developer Portal.

my online portal has ...however my app uses 'com.yourcompany.ytj' ..whenever i try to insert the YUW2UMA3HV in front of the bundleID in xCode, I keep getting errors.