




Considering that XML::Simple is the only module which can be used, I am stuck in retrieving the values from an XML. The structure goes below:


The XMLOut is :

  <dev name="A">
    <tables name="datatables">
    <tables name="propertytables">
  <dev name="B">
    <tables name="datatables">
    <tables name="propertytables">

How do I retrieve the table array say for this condition:
dev name = "B" and tables name = "propertytables" # to output B1, B2

+2  A: 

will be the reference and

@{ $ref->{dev}{B}{tables}{propertytables}{table} }

will be the list.

But really do

my $ref = XMLin( $some_source );
use Smart::Comments;
### $ref 

# ... OR ...

use Data::Dumper;
print Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $ref ], [ '*ref' ] );

to examine the structure to see what the pathing would be.

+3  A: 

It's not true that XML::Simple is the only module to be used for this role. For something like this, I would used XML::LibXML with a bit of XPath.

But if you want to use XML::Simple, I find the best approach is to use Data::Dumper to dump the data structure that XML::Simple builds and to use that dump to work out the best way to walk the structure. In your case, it's pretty simple.


use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

my $xml = do { local $/; <DATA> };

my $doc = XMLin($xml);

# print Dumper $doc;

my $dev = 'B';
my $table = 'propertytables';

foreach (@{$doc->{dev}{$dev}{tables}{$table}{table}}) {
  print "$_\n";

  <dev name="A">
    <tables name="datatables">
    <tables name="propertytables">
  <dev name="B">
    <tables name="datatables">
    <tables name="propertytables">
How to do a forcearray on a single entity? I am trying something like this: For ex, if for dev "B", if "propertytables" has a single table, it is treatedas a scalar. my $config = XMLin('./test.xml', forcearray => [ '{dev}->{B}->{tables}->{propertytables}->{table}' ]); But I guess this is a wrong way.
Ohh I got it. I just need to specify forcearray=>[qw(table)]