Hi, I have picker view with only one component, and 5 values in the component.
I could get the number of wheels , and values in the component, as below
var picker = window.pickers();
UIALogger.logMessage("picker array count: " + picker.length);
var pickerWheels = picker[0].wheels();
var pickerWheelsValues =pickerWheels[0].values();
When i log the statement, like "pickerWheels[0].values()[1]", It does displays the first item.
The issue is, how to tap on it ?
pickerWheels[0].values()[1].tap(); // DOESN'T WORK
Can some one provide some input, how to tap on the picker wheel elements ?
I have tried also implementing the UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate and overridden //Set the accessiblity for each component.
- (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView accessibilityLabelForComponent:(NSInteger)component{
thePickerView.isAccessibleElement = YES;
thePickerView.accessibilityLabel= @"label";
return @"label";