I have an ipad App, which has categories (tableviewcontrollers inside it) and detail views which has a webview shows info of the row on tableview.
On didSelectRowAtIndexPath function of category table views i am using the code as:
DetayViewController *dvc = [[DetayViewController alloc] init];
Blog *b = (Blog *)[self.blogArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
dvc.cagirilanBlog = b;
[self presentModalViewController:dvc animated:YES];
This works fine. But when using the app, if you click row in table view and open a detail page and close it for about 30 times, the application crashes and quit.
The warnings i get when the app crashes is like:
**Received memory warning. Level=1**
**Received memory warning. Level=2**
**Program received signal: “0”.
Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib")**
When i dissmiss the modal view controller, i am releasing all the object i used on detail view. But the issue i can not solve is why is it crashing? is that a bug? Can not i use presentModalViewController more than 30 times?
Please help me.