



Hi guys

Can anyone recommend me a good logger for cocoa, something that should be in par with log4j.

I've been developing this app in cocoa & as the source code is growing I find my self craving for a logger. I've googled a bit, have found a few options but I am looking to hear from you guys & your experiences with these loggers.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

+3  A: 

Apple System Logger is the OS X logging system. The best introuction is Peter Hosey's series of blogs on the subject. The ASL is accessed via a C API, but it's not difficult to wrap in Objective-C. I've given up my homespun wrapper in favor of the GTMLogger facility in Google's Toolbox for Mac, which includes ASL support.

Barry Wark
+1  A: 

Here are a few options for you:
