I need to be able to read text that has been tagged using XML for formatting and display it on the iPad formatted. The one trick is that I need to support footnotes.
I need to be able to read source, parse source, create attributed string for source, create lines. Then I need to write lines to either the text or footnotes until the screen is filled.
I am told that core text is what I need to use. However, like the rest of Apple's documentation, the Core Text documentation is simply embarrassing.
There is a framesetter class that formats text to fit in a frame (appears not to be what I want to do). There is a typesetter class that formats lines. But there appears to be no way to specify the width of the line.
Considering the variety of applications that would need to do exactly this, I cannot find any examples whatsoever. Some of the core text functions that are only "documented" in the vaguest terms generate no Google hits except for the apple "documentation."
Can someone explain how one would accomplish this programming tast?