Hi i have an uiwebview, I have prepare the htmlstring format of data to load in webview.
I am using this line to load htmlstring in uiwebview.
[webView loadHTMLString:htmlstring baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"file:/%@//",imagePath]]];
In the html formated string we have an one image button.When i click the image button i want to call one local function in ViewController.m file.
Is it possible ? Please help me .
I am using
<input type=""image"" onclick=""func()"" src=""icon_blog.png"" name=""image"" width=""30"" height=""30"">
<script language=""javascript""> function func(){alert(""hee"");}
But alert not shown in iphone . Any one help me ? Thanks in advance.......