




I have a universal binary iPhone/iPad app. The app icon appears correctly when I install the app on an iPhone4 and an iPad. However, when installed on an iPhone 3G, the icon is blank (gray). I've tried everything I can think of that might fix this issue and would appreciate suggestions. I followed the Apple icon guidelines for universal apps found here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa2010/qa1686.html

  1. I have a 57x57 icon named Icon.png for the iPhone 3G icon
  2. In my plist, I have an entry for CFBundleIconFile with a value of "Icon.png". According to Apple this key should be included for backwards compatibility with iPhones running iOS older than v3.2.
  3. In addition, I have a CFBundleIconFiles entry listing each of the various sized icons -- I included all the recommended icons given by Apple at the developer link above.
  4. The icon on the iphone simulator, the iPad simulator, the iPhone 4 and the iPad look fine
  5. I tried cleaning the project
  6. I verified that Icon.png is being copied to the target
  7. I verified that the Icon.png is in the app file.
  8. I verified that the Icon.png is 57x57.
  9. I've verified that the icon doesn't have an alpha channel. In fact, I tested with an icon from a previous app that did work and that still shows up blank on an iPhone 3G.
  10. I tried saving the icon as an 8-bit and 24-bit png both with and without transparency.
  11. Before rebuilding, I deleted the app and rebooted the iPhone.

Try all of the above and before building to your device, delete the app from the phone (optionally reboot) and ONLY THEN rebuild to the device.

Already tried this. I added it to the list.
+1  A: 

Try CFBundleIconFiles (value type as an array)

as Icon.png, Icon~iPad.png, [email protected]

That is not the Apple recommended naming found here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa2010/qa1686.html
I gave it a shot -- still no icon. I'm curious where you saw the suggestion for using a tilde in the icon name?

There may be two images with same name be present.please check it too.

All the best.
