




i have 4 annotation with same lat/long as they are pointing some location in 1 building , since they share common lat/long so i can show only one of them on map?? so is there any way to use some error correction so that i can show them Lil side by side??

here is my annotation code

MKCoordinateRegion SecondRegiona;
SecondRegiona.center.latitude = 111.31888;
SecondRegiona.center.longitude = 203.861;

MyAnnotation *aSecondAnnotationa = [[[MyAnnotation alloc] init]autorelease];
aSecondAnnotationa.title = [listItems objectAtIndex:15];//@"3rd Annotation";

aSecondAnnotationa.subtitle = [listItems objectAtIndex:16];
aSecondAnnotationa.coordinate = SecondRegiona.center;

Why would you expect the platform to position something someplace different than where you told it to place it? That certainly sounds undesirable and not something that I would call "Error Correction"

You need to detect that state and do something reasonable like coalesce them into a single custom annotation or adjust the lat lngs to position them nearby according to your needs.

i want to know is there any +-error correction to display annotations?? what is coalesce?? i just want to show my all annotations i dont want to hide any