If you download this sample (ipad): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/MultipleDetailViews/Introduction/Intro.html and you set a breakpoint at numberOfRowsInSection and also at cellForRowAtIndexPath and you start in landscape then i have the following question:
First: the app comes twice in numberOfRowsInSection -> "why 2 times? Because there are 2 sections.. oké, but where did they define that there are 2 sections?"
Second: the app comes twice in numberOfRowsInSection and then calls cellForRowAtIndexPath -> no questions here... this is normal
Third: when i change to portrait mode and press the popoverbutton the app calls numberOfRowsInSection 3 times and never called cellForRowAtIndexPath -> "why 3 times? Why dont he call cellForRowAtIndexPath"?
Thanks in advance!