




My iPad app needs to sell products however I do not want to use Apple's payment system. The guides from Apple are very explicit and also don't provide detail.

Is there any place I find out what the rules are and how I can get around it.

e.g. Do I have to load a webpage or can I simply call a webservice for payment etc

+3  A: 


As has been detailed MANY times on this site:

  • if you are selling products to be used WITHIN THE APP then you HAVE TO USE IAP. This isn't negotiable, apple will just plain reject your app.

  • if you are selling products to be used OUTSIDE YOU APP (eg: a nice pair of cashmere gloves) then YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to use IAP.

How you implement the payment method is completely up to you. You can either use a webview (if thats easier) or you can write your own custom classes to do communicate directly with the payment gateway. Lastly (probably the better option) you could write a hybrid of the two and have a web service that your app communicates with.

The guides from Apple are very explicit and also don't provide detail.

This seemingly paradoxical statement bears some truth. The guides from apple are very expicit. There is a 7 page document on the developer resource which (part of) details in extensive clarity the allowed methods of payment and purchasing within your application. Please go and find it - it will really help you. Its called "App Store Review Guidelines - App store resource center". If you really need the url it is https://developer.apple.com/appstore/resources/approval/guidelines.html

Thomas Clayson