




I'm not very good in the code for objective-c but i've learn java and sort and i know it's kinda different.

Questions i would like to brought up is:

  1. Between creating the database on iPhone itself using SQLite or accessing a database online through web services.

  2. Any tutorial to recommend?

  3. Do i really need to purchase the licence key US$99 in order to upload to my iPhone for testing?

  4. Can the SDK simulator itself connect to online database?

  5. i'm currently using SDK 3.1.3 due to my MAC OS X is 10.5.8 and should i upgrade to snow leopard as us there any good stuff that i would miss on the iOS SDK 4

NOTES: my application would be something like

DBS / citibank SG / foursquare that require login and sorts.

I have 4 more months before i need to hand up this as my final year project.

I would be appreciated if anyone can give me a little help.

I wont be asking you people to give me the "CODE" on how to do the stuff.. i need a light to show me the way

thank you!


Welcome to Stackoverflow :)

  1. Not sure what the question is here, but iPhone can certainly consume Web Services.
  2. Loads, I'd start with the Apple iOS Application Programming Guide
  3. Yes you do
  4. Yes it can
  5. There is a lot of good stuff in iOS4 so yes you would. New Features
thanks people! i'm thankful for all the tips you people gave... I will try my best to produce the work :D

To get started with iPhone programing,check this link. You will find all the information you need for getting started with iPhone programming.

thanks people! i'm thankful for all the tips you people gave... I will try my best to produce the work :D