




I am beginner in iphone dev so excuse the simplicity of the question.

When I do control drag from a slider in my view to "file's owner", the methods available in my file's owner class do NO LONGER show up. In fact, I can't even slect "file's owner" anymore. I can however select "first responder", and it's methods do show up.

When files's ower is selected: - The Identity inspector shows that my file's owner is of the correct class. - The connection inspector shows "received actions" with the correct methods available in file's owner's class (on the left side) BUT everything that is on the right side has an exclamation point next to it. Thins on the right side are: "view, Horizontal slider valu changed " etc.

I have been using interface builder for that specific application with no problem until now. I might have moved or erased some files around. Or a file got corrupted. But most likely I am missing something.

Any hint or suggestion appreciated, Thanks, baba