



We are using Bugzilla to collect and monitor our bugs, but up until now we did not use any test case tool. Up until now we were doing only manual testing.

Which of the available test cases do you recommend, and is it important that this tool fully integrates with Bugzilla?

We are a very small company (less then 10 people) that develop virtual worlds for kids.



As far as i understand, you want to manage the test cases and link the bugs to bugzilla. there are open test management suites that you can use to manage the test case and link them to bugzilla for defect tracking. One of them is Testlink.

You need to install the testlink server in one of the computers and link with the bugzilla using some perl modules. I have done in our project 3 years back and it was successful.

Testlink will also provide you the data of how many test cases were pass and how many were fail along with the defect id logged in bugzilla.

+1  A: 

Nuevosoft Test Manager ( allows you to manage your test cases and links to bugzilla.

Suhas Patil