Core Plot is a BSD-licensed Mac / iPhone graphing / plotting framework, which aims to be provide drop-in elements for scatter plots, bar charts, etc. It is based on Core Animation and has the same API on both Mac and iPhone.
DrawKit is an extremely powerful BSD-licensed vector illustration framework (currently only for the Mac, due to heavy NSView usage). We've used this as the core for a CAD program we ship with our robotic systems.
Sparkle is a framework for keeping your applications up-to-date. We rely on it for all our Mac-based software, and it's part of many, many Mac applications. I can't recommend it highly enough.
For the more technically inclined, libdc1394 is a cross-platform LGPL library for controlling and accessing video from IIDC Firewire cameras. It lets you get at things on these cameras that QTKit Capture and the like don't.