I'm parsing an xml file using Python's ElementTree, like that:
et = ElementTree(file=file("test.xml"))
test.xml starts with a few lines of xml comments.
Is there a way to get those comments from et?
I'm parsing an xml file using Python's ElementTree, like that:
et = ElementTree(file=file("test.xml"))
test.xml starts with a few lines of xml comments.
Is there a way to get those comments from et?
For ElementTree 1.2.X there is an article on Reading processing instructions and comments with ElementTree (http://effbot.org/zone/element-pi.htm).
The alternative would be using lxml.etree which implements the ElementTree API. A quote from ElementTree compatibility of lxml.etree :
ElementTree ignores comments and processing instructions when parsing XML, while etree will read them in and treat them as Comment or ProcessingInstruction elements respectively.