


-(id)init {

if (self = [super init]) { = [[NSString alloc] init];
 self.type = [[NSString alloc] init];
 self.phoneNumber = [[NSString alloc]init];
 self.webAddress = [[NSString alloc] init];

 NSMutableArray *pricesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
 NSMutableArray *poolsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
 self.prices = pricesArray;
 self.pools = poolsArray;

 [pricesArray release];
 [poolsArray release];

 //Create the address dictionaries

 NSMutableDictionary *addressItems = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"", KAddressStreet1Key, @"", KAddressStreet2Key, @"", KAddressBoroughKey, @"", KAddressCityKey, @"", KAddressCountyKey, @"", KAddressPostCodeKey, @"" ,KAddressCountryKey, nil];

 //Add dictionary to the array to contain address values

 self.address = addressItems;

 [addressItems release];


return self;


I'm currently doing a massive round of debugging thanks to EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors.. grr.

Does the code above seem fine and logical for a class init method? Basically I'm getting the EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors when I release both the pools mutable array and the dictionary...


+1  A: 

How are your properties declared? If they are not declared with retain then most of your objects will be deallocated at the end of this method.

Ah yes apologies. collections are 'retain' and strings are 'copy'
Dan Morgan

You're leaking objects with each allocation for the string properties. Other than that, I don't notice anything wrong. How are the AddressXKeys defined?

Barry Wark
Ah ok thanks Barry. So the alloc is +1 and the copy property is also +1 to my retain count?Address Keys are like this:#define KAddressStreet1Key @"1address"
Dan Morgan
Yes, the copy property makes a copy of the string and keeps a reference to the copy, so the original is lost but has a retain count of +1. copy properties should be treated like retain properties for memory management purposes.
Barry Wark
Freebie hint: the Cocoa pattern for string constants like this is to define a global string reference. This way you can compare pointers rather than using -[NSString isEqual:]. See
Barry Wark