



Is there a source code readily available for commonly used controls (say found in the toolbox) for ASP.NET 2.0?

The level of detail that I want its that I need to know the internal workings of the control.


They are all documented on MSDN. Get started at the ASP.NET Developer Center, and at

John Saunders
+1  A: 
+3  A: 

Yes, Microsoft has actually released the Source code for the System.Web assembly, amongst others.

It is intended to make it possible to debug the built-in classes, so you as a developer have a better chance of understanding why a specific class behaves as it does. You can make Visual Studio download the source on-the-fly, when you try to step-in to a function with the debugger.

If you would like to read / browse the source code; you can also download it all using the NetMassDownloader project from CodePlex.

+1  A: 

The quick way to look at the source code of controls or any other class libraries is to use disassembler, for example .NET Reflector link text

Vadim Kleyzit