



I am a .NET / C++ programmer switching to Java. I had previous exposure to Java 10+ years ago in university.

What would be the typical things to be learned in order to be able to program web applications in Java?

I can think of: JSP/Servlets Eclipse EJB

What else do people use these days?

The idea would be to be able to land on a Java project and make myself useful

+10  A: 

Hibernate and Spring

Personally, I'd avoid Hibernate unless you *know* you need it for some reason. It's a monster dependency, full of magic, and difficult to control if perf is a concern. I've spent considerable time banging my head against it and removing it from code where it shouldn't have been used. Stick with vanilla JDBC; at least you'll know what your code is doing.
Then I am afraid you will need hibernate since that is what projects use nowadays. IF it is a good framework or not was not the question here.
Hibernate is used on a lot of Java web applications whether or not it is actually used the way it should be used. I agree with overthink's comment - Hibernate can cause a lot of issues, more than if you just used JDBC directly. However, I'd like to add that if you're using Spring, you *shouldn't* be using JDBC directly - Spring's JDBCTemplate (or advanced subclasses if using Java 5+) should be used instead, as it handles exceptions in a much more meaningful way.
+5  A: 

Tools department: Eclipse and Netbeans

(For web-centric Java development, see the Eclipse based Aptana IDE)

...or, if you want something better (and are willing to pay for it), IntelliJ IDEA ;-)
people complain all the time about Eclipse, but it's still a strong reference.If you want to hack some Google Android or Blackberry Apps, SDKs are available for the Eclipse platform.
Brian Clozel
+5  A: 

I migrate between a lot of clients who use Java heavily. Here's what I see people use:

a) a lot:

  • JDBC
  • Servlets
  • Ant
  • Log4J
  • Eclipse/Intellij

b) quite often:

  • JSP
  • Spring
  • Maven
  • Web Services
  • the Apache Commons libraries

c) barely ever:

  • EJBs (not since 2002 or so!).

I've not come across Hibernate or other ORMs. I'm not sure why, I confess, since it seems popular in the context of SO.

Brian Agnew
+1, seems quite realistic to me. (Although personally I haven't used JDBC directly for ages; database access is hidden behind Hibernate.)
Maybe you should start recommending Hibernate to your clients. I can't even imagine writing a J2EE app without it these days.
Peter D
The above reflects what I find, not what I recommend.
Brian Agnew
+2  A: 

If you are focusing on web applications specifically, it's important to know and understand many topics that are independent of Java:

  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • CSS
  • XML (XPath in particular)
  • HTML
  • HTTP

You need to get a grasp of these concepts before learning Java frameworks that may or may not simplify the creation of code dealing with them.

As far as Java-specific libraries and frameworks go, these are essential:

  • Servlets and JSPs
  • JDBC
  • Ant
  • Apache Commons -- for the love of all that's good, don't re-invent common libraries!

These are nice to have but are too narrow to focus on before learning everything above:

  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • Maven
  • JSF
Steven Huwig
+1 for XPath. I've seen many a buggy 'indexOf' search in an XML string, where an xpath would have been much cleaner!
+1  A: 


Presentation Frameworks:

Dependency Injection (and more):


And maybe:


The Apache Foundation has done some great things:

  • Web service development made easy - Apache CXF
  • For java web applications, you can take JSP to the next level with Apache Tapestry
  • For project management (build process, quality control, migration...), Maven will do the work
  • ActiveMQ is a good choince if you need to implement a JMS service.

No need to rush and read tons of books about these, they pretty much use common concepts you probably encoutered in your previous experiences.

Brian Clozel

Grails is also a Java platform web application framework, although it's coded in the Groovy language rather than Java, which is more like Python or Ruby and is dynamically typed.

Andrew Noyes