
How to run NOT elevated in Vista (.NET)

I have an application that I have to run as Administrator. One small part of that application is to start other applications with Process.Start The started applications will also be run as administrators, but I'd rather see them run as the 'normal' user. How do I accomplish that? /johan/ ...

Is there a good wrapper around ILGenerator ?

I'm using System.Reflection.Emit for a while now, and find it (who don't?) as painful as bug prone. Do you know if there is a good wrapper around the IL Generator, something that I can rely on to emit IL in a more safe and easier manner than with playing directly with SRE? Edit: I know that manipulating expression trees is definitivel...

Convert dictionary values into array

what is the most efficient way of turning the list of values of a dictionary into an array for example, if i have: Dictionary where key is string and value is Foo i want to get Foo[] I am using VS 2005, C# 2.0 ...

Whats the difference between Keyboard.Focus(item) and item.Focus()?

In WPF, there are two ways to set the focus to an element. You can either call the .Focus() method of the input element, or call Keyboard.Focus() with the input element as parameter. // first way: item.Focus(); // alternate way: Keyboard.Focus(item); What is the difference between these two? Are there special reasons to use one of the...

Free Bug Tracker in .NET

Is there any good bug tracker based on .NET which is free? ...

Prevent exception messages from being translated into the user's language?

How do I make my application always use English when displaying win32/.net exceptions messages? I got this message, it looks like someone used babelfish to translate it (it's Swedish): "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Programmet kunde inte starta eftersom programmets sida-vid-sidakonfiguration är felaktig." Extremely unhelpful, a...

.net publishing

I have a .net application and i published in the local location. while installing from the published location the application need to install in "c:\temp" how can i do this in clickonce method? ...

How to find all dependencies of a .NET project?

Basically, what I need is something like Dependecy Walker, but it should work with .NET applications. Is there anywhere such tool? ...

When to use a new exception type

What are the guidelines for when to create a new exception type instead of using one of the built-in exceptions in .Net? The problem that got me thinking is this. I have a WCF service, which is a basic input-output service. If the service is unable to create an output, because the input is invalid, I want to throw an exception, but whic...

What is the simplest way to charge money over the Internet?

I have a .Net 2.0/3.5 WebApplication. I want to be able to take money over the internet for my service. Each of my customers will have an AccountNo. I wish to offer several products each of which will have fixed price. I need for my customer to login to my system and elect to pay me money for a product of their choice and for my app ...

"Could not load type..." when upgrading to W2K3 and IIS6

Hi, I have a c# .NET 2.0 application that has been running on W2K/IIS5 quite happily for several years. The sysadmin team are currently setting up a W2K3 box for the app, using the same install files, but are running into the dreaded "Could not load type..." error. The type in question is the class (i.e. code behind) for the page being ...

Instantiating a C++ class in C# using P/Invoke via a pointer

I am importing the CreateICeeFileGen() function from the unmanaged DLL mscorpe.dll in a C# application, in order to generate a PE file. This function returns a pointer to an C++ object defined here, is there any way I can access fields from this class via C# or do I need to write an unmanaged wrapper DLL? The code I'm using currently i...

Credit Card processing library that handles many merchant gateways?

Looking for a c# library that interfaces to multiple merchant gateways. Should at minimum be able to handle PayPal and authorize. ...

Generate a default CRUD UI when using Castle ActiveRecord (.net)

Is there any simple way to generate a default crud (given an entity) with activerecord (castle implementation) or something similar for NET? There is something like this for RoR ( it think its called activescaffold) Thanks ...

.NET Code Security Review Tool

I am looking for a utility that can be used against .NET assemblies to validate code against best practices, and most importantly can review the code for Security, Injection, and Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities. I know that it isn't an exact science, but I'm looking for anyones experience/recommendations on the best way to a soluti...

What is wrong when you get an "Unrecognized configuration section runtime" configuration exception.

In particular from this web.config: <configuration> <configSections> <section name="RStrace" type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.RSTraceSectionHandler,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics" /> </configSections> <system.diagnostics> <switches> <add name="DefaultTraceSwitch" value="3" /> </switches> <...

How to get rid of security exception?

I start a .Net server side program on my local workstation, but soon it throws a security exception. I searched the web for answers, but no quick fix was found / worked. I just want to run my program. How do I get rid of the exception? I fully trust the program, because its mine. Edit: Oh, yes, I do run the program from a mapped folder ...

What is the best way to display one value and store another on .net comboboxes?

I can't seem to find an easy to use, .net native way to get Comboboxes on .net winforms to display one value and return another based on the selection without creating my own helper class, with the knowledge that winforms is going to display the ToString method on the object that you put in it. This is how I'm doing it now, very generic...

Are there problems with rendering WPF over Remote Desktop under Windows XP?

I have heard that WPF primitives will not be supported by remote desktop on windows XP. The implication of this is that if you run a WPF application on a vista machine and display it on an XP machine (via remote desktop) the display will be sent as a compressed bitmap. This issue is resolved in Vista-Vista comunication via DirectX 11 (...

Where can I learn about the various types of .NET lists?

Does anyone know a good resource to concisely explain the different types of lists available in C# and when their usage is appropriate? For example, List, Hashtable, Dictionaries etc. I'm never quite sure when I should be using what. ...