
Is GDI+ actually still a "usable" technology?

I just wonder a bit whether or not GDI+ is still a technology worth using, especially in a .net sense. Granted, GDI+ is still THE technology to handle Images in Windows, but it is also unmanaged code (obviously). Now, after discovering that GDI+ is actually not supported on ASP.net¹, I just wonder: Is it actually feasible to have Image ...

CSV (or sheet in XLS) to SQL create (and insert) statements with .Net?

Does anyone have a technique for generating SQL table create (and data insert) commands pragmatically from a CSV (or sheet in a .xls) file? I've got a third party database system which I'd like to populate with data from a csv file (or sheet in a xls file) but the importer supplied can't create the table structure automatically as it ...

Does anybody know of existing code to read a mork file (Thunderbird Address Book)?

I have the need to read the Thunderbird address book on the fly. It is stored in a file format called Mork. Not a pleasant file format to read. I found a 1999 article explaining the file format. I would love to know if someone already has gone through this process and could make the code available. I found mork.pl by Jamie Zawinski ...

CruiseControl.Net Build Publisher - Only publish compiled files

While setting up CruiseControl, I added a buildpublisher block to the publisher tasks: <buildpublisher> <sourceDir>C:\MyBuild\</sourceDir> <publishDir>C:\MyBuildPublished\</publishDir> <alwaysPublish>false</alwaysPublish> </buildpublisher> This works, but it copies the entire file contents of the build, I only want to copy the D...

Any capistrano comparable for windows/.net?

See title. ...

"All Users" Folder

Is there a .net variable that returns the "All Users" directory? ...

Why is String.Format static?

Compare String.Format("Hello {0}", "World"); with "Hello {0}".Format("World"); Why did the .Net designers choose a static method over an instance method? What do you think? ...

Increases Skills what should I learn?

My path to a 'fulltime'- developer stated as a analyst using VBA with Excel, Access, and then onto C#. I went to college part time once I discovered I had a passion for coding not business. I do about most of my coding in C#, but being an ASP.NET developer I also write in HTML, JavaScript, SQL etc. . . the usual suspects. I like to k...

Algorithm behind MD5Crypt

I'm working with Subversion based on Windows and would like to write an easy utility in .NET for working with the Apache password file. I understand that it uses a function referred to as MD5Crypt, but I can't seem to find a description of the algorithm beyond that at some point it uses MD5 to create a hash. Can someone describe the MD...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the GAC?

And on top of that, are there cases where one has to use the global assembly cache or where one cannot use it? ...

Natural language date/time parser for .NET?

Does anyone know of a .NET date/time parser similar to Chronic for Ruby (handles stuff like "tomorrow" or "3pm next thursday")? Note: I do write Ruby (which is how I know about Chronic) but this project must use .NET. ...

.Net Security Policy change by standard users?

The .Net Security Policy can be changed from a script by using CasPol.exe. Say I will be distributing an application to several users on a local network. Most of those users will be unprivileged, standard accounts, so they will not have necessary permissions for the relevant command. I think I shall be looking into domain logon scripts....

Do you have any tips to improve ReSharper and/or Visual Studio performance ?

I'm using visual studio 2008 and ReSharper 4 and it's kind of slow. My machine has 2 GB of RAM, dual core processor and a 7200 rpm hard disk. I know more RAM and a faster hard disk could improve performance, but do you have any tips to improve ReSharper/Visual Studio performance? ...

Experiences Using ASP.NET MVC Framework

I am wondering what experiences people are having using the ASP.NET MVC Framework? In particular I am looking for feedback on the type of experience folks are having using the framework. What are people using for their view engine? What about the db layer, NHibernate, LINQ to SQL or something else? I know stackoverflow uses MVC, so p...

Outlook Add-in using .NET

Hello, We have been developing an Outlook Add-in using Visual Studio 2008. However I am facing a strange behavior while adding a command button to a custom command bar. This behavior is reflected when we add the button in the reply, reply all and forward windows. The issue is that the caption of the command button is not visible though ...

From Monorail to ASP.Net MVC

The last time I took on a non-trivial .Net/C# application I used Castle Monorail and, on the whole, enjoyed the experience. Early-access/preview releases of .Net MVC were not yet available. Many "Microsoft shops" will now find the "official" solution more appealing. Has anyone gone from Monorail to .Net MVC. How did you find the switch...

Starting with .NET

Being a self-taught "amateur" programmer, I do most programming in my spare time, for relatively small projects, or for small study-related utilities. I greatly enjoy it, though, and have learned a great deal over the past couple of years. Through various weblogs and websites, I've become acquainted with version control, bug tracking, un...

Is It Possible To Raise An Event When A File Becomes Accessible?

In C# I can use the FileSystemWatcher object to watch for a specific file and raise an event when it is created, modified, etc. The problem I have with this class is that it raises the event the moment the file becomes created, even if the process which created the file is still in the process of writing. I have found this to be very pr...

Running "partially trusted" .NET assemblies from a network share

When I try to run a .NET assembly (boo.exe) from a network share (mapped to a drive), it fails since it's only partially trusted: Unhandled Exception: System.Security.SecurityException: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. at System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSe...

Hooking my program with windows explorer's rename event

Is there any way, in any language, to hook my program when a user renames a file? For example: A user renames a file and presses enter (or clicks away) to confirm the rename action. BEFORE the file is actually renamed, my program "listens" to this event and pops up a message saying "Are you sure you want to rename C:\test\file.txt to C:...