
WinForms - DataGridView - no cell selected

Is there a way to make a DataGridView have no cell selected? I notice even when it loses focus() it has a at least one active cell. Is there another mode that allows this? or some other trick? ...

CORBA from .NET - (dis)recommended libraries?

I am working on a .NET-based server component that talks to a set of destinations (equity options exchanges, to be specific) using a variety of destination-specific protocols. The next destination we plan to add uses CORBA, so I am researching .NET libraries that can speak CORBA. So far I have found three possibilities: IIOP.NET is an...

Hook object load event in Entity Framework?

Is there an EF equivalent to LINQ to SQL's OnCreated partial? Several of my objects have XML fields that I would like to parse whenever the object is loaded from the db - I'd like to put the XML data into more friendly strongly-typed collections. I've already marked the XML field as private and hooked the SavingChanges event to re-buil...

How do I fix a .NET Webservice timeout causing a UnsupportedMediaException in a Java client?

I currently have a .net SOAP web service with a timeout on the request that I set using Server.ScriptTimeout = TIME_OUT; I then have java client calling said web service. However when the timeout is reached I get this exception: Exception in thread "Thread-9" com.sun.xml.ws.server.UnsupportedMediaException: Unsupported Content-Type: ...

How to grab control collection like the Table class does?

How do I grab the controls inside of a UserControl tag? So if this is on a Page: <ME:NewControl ID="tblCustomList" runat="server"> // ... these controls will be used in my UserControl.aspx </ME:NewControl> How do I access those controls in my UserControl? For instance, the Table class does this: <asp:Table ID="tblNormal" runat="ser...

End user tool for generating a regular expression

We have a SaaS application requirement to allow a user responsible for building a CMS site to define up to 10 custom fields in a form. As part of this field definition we want to add a field validation option which we will store (and apply at runtime) as a reg-ex. Are there any tools, code samples or similar that offer a wizard style f...

Generic Generics in Managed C++

I want to create a List of KeyValuePairs in a managed C++ project. Here is the syntax I'm using List<KeyValuePair<String^, String^>^>^ thing; but I'm getting the following error: error C3225: generic type argument for 'T' cannot be 'System::Collections::Generic::KeyValuePair ^', it must be a value type or a handle to a reference t...

Is calling AsyncOperation.PostOperationCompleted required?

I'm using the AsyncOperation class to avoid having to write tons of "if (control.InvokeRequired) then/else" methods (as opposed to its traditional role in the Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern). In some cases, I don't really care about getting a notification when the worker thread is complete. Because of this, I'd like to not call the P...

"The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason" Exception

I have the following code in WCF service to throw a custom fault based on certain situations. I am getting a "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason" exception. What am I doing wrong? //source code if(!DidNotPass) { InvalidRoutingCodeFault fault = new InvalidRoutingCodeFault("Invalid Routing Code - No Approval Started"...

How do I apply a dynamic style in code at runtime?

I need to apply a style in code ike this: TextBlock.Style = TryFindResource("MyStyle") as Style; that will be updated dynamically when the resource dictionary is changed (i.e. skin is replaced at runtime). In other words I need the equivalent to using a dynamic resource like this: <TextBlock Style="{DynamicResource MyStyle}" /> ...

.NET 2.0 - Tokenizing space separated text

Suppose you have output like this: Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4 Where the number of spaces between words is arbitrary. I want to break it into an array of words. I used the following code: string[] tokens = new List<String>(input.Split(' ')) .FindAll ( delegate(string t...

.NET2.0 Remoting - Why Is Registering A ClientChannel Necessary?

I have a client/server application that must use .NET Remoting (not WCF because the project is using Framework 2). The following code (copied heavily from MSDN) works: _clientChannel = new IpcClientChannel(); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(_clientChannel, false); IMyObject myObject= (I...

HTML Sanitizer for .NET

I'm starting a project that will be public facing using asp.net mvc. I know there are about a billion php, python, and ruby html sanitizers out there, but does anyone have some pointers to anything good in .net? What are your experiences with what is out there? I know stackoverflow is a site done in asp.net that allows freeform HTML, wha...

Decent low-footprint web server? (.net)

I'm looking for a server which is: Lightweight, Non-buggy, Supports .NET, Runs on client for testing, Runs on Windows Cassinni is too buggy, IIS is too expensive, Apache is hard to setup, XSP is linux only Visual Web Developer's is cutting it. ...

Castle Windsor: How do I wire up events in my configuration?

I have something like this: public interface IDeviceMonitor { int DeviceId { get; } event DeviceUpdatedHandler NewValueRecieved; void Start(); void Stop(); } public class DeviceInactivityDetector { ... public virtual void DeviceUpdated(IDeviceMonitor device, DeviceUpdatedArgs args) { .... } } curren...

.Net SQL Server Database Monitoring - Insert, Update, Delete

Hi, Does anyone know of a way to monitor table record changes in a SQL Server (2005 or 2008) database from a .Net application? It needs to be able to support multiple clients at a time. Each client will "subscribe" when it starts, and "unsubscribe" when it exits. Multiple users could be accessing the system at once and I want to refl...

Read & Update filestream

I have a little utility that does a search of a number of files. I had to create it because both Google & Windows desktop searches were not finding the appropriate lines in files. The searching works fine (I am willing to improve on it) but one of the things I would like to add to my util is a batch find/replace. So how would be the bes...

How to access the Index Of A Generic.List By Reflection??

ok, ive a class and i pass an object as property. the object that i pass is a List<X> in my class im trying to access the Object index by reflection BUT I CAN'T!!! Example: this class works i just wrote down the part i want to show you and i need help. class MyClass { private object _recordSet; public object RecordSet {...

Programmaticly use Gmail to receive e-mail?

I'd like to use a C# program to poll a gmail account and automatically download new messages. I know you can use gmail as an outbound SMTP server, but is there any way to access new messages sent to the account? EDIT: Thanks for the rapid feedback....so I have two options, POP or IMAP. Which one should I use? And why? EDIT #2: Looks ...

MS MVC Preview 2 and .NET 3.5 sp1

I have a site built with MVC Preview 2 and have not got around to upgrading to latest release, mainly because of the number of changes required and I have not had time. Anyway, last night my host installed .NET 3.5 sp1 and it killed my site. It is an identified problem (thats what you get for using pre betas) on this site http://haacked....