
Which are the websites that .net developers visit?

Which websites are visited daily by .net platform developers? ...

Does dot net have an interface like IEnumerable with a Count property?

Does dot net have an interface like IEnumerable with a count property? I know about interfaces such as IList and ICollection which do offer a Count property but it seems like these interfaces were designed for mutable data structures first and use as a read only interface seems like an afterthought - the presence of an IsReadOnly field a...

Articles related to Hypernate in .NET

I'm looking for articles related Hypernate in .net Can anyone recommend some? ...

Should Microsoft avoid implementing a feature in .Net just because internationalising it is too difficult?

I raised a request over at Microsoft Connect regarding the formatting of dates ("DateTime Formatting should caluclate the correct suffix for the day"). Basically I wanted to have a formatting string code for adding the suffix to the day number. So "1 Jan" would be formatted "1st Jan" and "2 Jan" formatted "2nd Jan" etc. This is quite ea...

Is there source code analysis api in .net similar to those in java?

The APIs that might be of interest to developers of Java applications that need to perform source code analysis are the Java Compiler API (JSR 199), the Pluggable Annotation Processing API (JSR 269), and the Compiler Tree API. Any similar api or library for .net? ...

What is the best way to specify execution time of recurring jobs or tasks?

I am looking for a way of efficiently specifying a recurring job execution time without having to write an explicit execution time to a datastore. In other words, rather than saying 'job x next runs at 13.00pm on 11.12.08' and then having to update the execution time for the following week once the job has run, I want to be able to say '...

Is there a good way to automate translation of objects between different architectural layers?

More and more applications need different representations of similar objects, e.g., when crossing the wire with web services or when mapping to the database. When you are working with a domain model you probably need one kind of objects in your business layer/domain model (small, lots of behaviour) and another when crossing process or ne...

Current Classes Loaded Constantly Increasing - Memory Leak

I've got a service that has a very slow memory leak. If I analyze the .NET CLR Loading counters, I see that the Current Classes Loaded counter is constantly increasing and matches Total Classes Loaded counter at all times. This gives me the impression that the memory leak is related to resources not being freed (This is just a guess). ...

PHP crypt() function in .Net?

I'm rewriting a PHP web site in ASP.NET MVC. I'd like to maintain the same user base but the passwords are hashed using the PHP crypt() function. I need the same function in .Net so that I can hash a password on login and check it against the hashed password in the user database. crypt in this case is using the CRYPT_MD5 implementation ...

Using custom performance counters across appdomain recyclyes

I have an ASP.NET application which tracks statistics by creating and writing to custom performance counters. Occasionally, I see in the error logs that indicate that the counters have failed to open because they had already been used in the current process. I presume this is due to my .NET appdomain having been reset within the same w...

Using Castle Windsor configuration files is it possible to delegate to another item declaration?

Using Castle-Windsor, is it possible to declare a type once and use this declaration for multiple Ids rather than writing it out in full each time. E.g. we have class Widget that implements IFoo and we want the keys "IFoo.A" and "IFoo.B" to get a Widget from Castle. I want to do something like <id="IFoo.Main" type="IFoo" service="W...

Why is StartInfo (ProcessStartInfo) always empty?

According to MSDN: If you did not use the Start method to start a process, the StartInfo property does not reflect the parameters used to start the process. For example, if you use GetProcesses to get an array of processes running on the computer, the StartInfo property of each Process does not contain the original file name or argument...

Can a unit test project load the target application's app.config file?

I am unit testing a .NET application (.exe) that uses an app.config file to load configuration properties. The unit test application itself does not have an app.config file. When I try to unit test a method that utilizes any of the configuration properties, they return null. I'm assuming this is because the unit test application is ...

Is there a .NET analogue for Java app servers?

Are there any what in the Java community would be called "application servers" for .NET? Similar to Tomcat, Resin, and Jetty. I'm not interested in a JSP equivalent, I'm looking for a servlet-based technology for XML/HTTP transaction processing (no UI). If there is not a product like this, what would a good stack be to emulate this? Mi...

Creating a KeyValuePair in Managed C++

I have yet another managed C++ KeyValuePair question where I know what to do in C#, but am having a hard time translating to managed C++. Here is the code that does what I want to do in C#: KeyValuePair<String, String> KVP = new KeyValuePair<string, string>("this", "that"); I've reflected it into MC++ and get this: KeyValuePair<Strin...

Linq to Sql query using "not in"

Can linq to sql query using not in? e.g., SELECT au_lname, state FROM authors WHERE state NOT IN ('CA', 'IN', 'MD') ...

WPF Namespace question - Process?

Trying to get this example working from http://www.munna.shatkotha.com/blog/post/2008/10/26/Light-box-effect-with-WPF.aspx However, I can't seem to get the namespace or syntax right for "Process" below. <Border x:Name="panelDialog" Visibility="Collapsed"> <Grid> <Border Background="Black" Opacity="0.49"></Border> <!--While Xmal Content...

Disable "Adjust Date/Time" in Vista Home Edition

My company has got quite a number of client laptops out in the field. These laptops are running Windows Vista Home edition. I was recently asked if I could find a way to disable the user's ability to adjust the system time. My first thought was to use gpedit, but as I found this is unavailable in home edition. I then looked for reg...

Framebar component for WPF

I am looking for a framebar component (commercial or OSS) that will give winforms like menu and tool bar functionality like then one we have in Visual studio (when you right click on the main menu). I am aware of the Office 2007 ribbon thing. but the requirements for the application is to have "old style" menu and toolbars experience (...

fire silverlight events with javascript

Can I use javascript in a page to cause an event in a silverlight component to fire? If so, does anybody have some code samples? ...